Client Care with Heather Lyon

May 18, 2021

Welcome to another episode of Behind the Mask, where we get to know the superstars that make up the Litco Law team! Today, we’re getting up close and personal with Case Manager & Client Care Team Lead Heather Lyon, who dines on Village Ice Cream while designing her very own dresses. We get the scoop on her passion for Planet Earth, why culture should come first, and more— so keep reading and watch the video to get to know Heather!

What was your first job? 

My first job was delivering pizza. I don’t think that really shaped me too much— it was something I did in high school, kinda in the evening and weekends. I loved it, it was one of the most fun jobs I’ve ever had… but no, I don’t think it shaped me too much, ha!

Why do you work in Personal Injury Law?

Personal Injury Law, specifically, wasn’t something I was really aware of as an industry before working here… but after having worked here, I think being on that Personal Injury side of things and being on the client side of things is really important to me, and something I care about a lot. Now I’m in a position where I’m the Team Lead for both the Client Care Specialists and the Case Managers, and I have an opportunity to really make sure that we are building the best teams to take care of our clients— and that’s something that I really, really enjoy doing.

What makes Litco Law a caring team?

I think that we put a lot of emphasis on hiring the right people, and making sure that we have people on our team who care about our clients and put our clients first over everything else. Having the right people on the team, who are always going to do whatever is needed for our clients, really shines through in how we operate as a team.

Who inspires you?

I get a ton of inspiration from the Client Care team and the work that they do every day. They fight so hard for our clients and work so hard to solve any problem that comes up, and it is really inspiring for me to see them putting in all that hard work.

Tell us something that isn’t on your resume.

Something that isn’t on my resume is I love to sew, and I’ve made quite a few of my own dresses! I also play the piano, and I love hiking.

What is your favourite book?

My favourite book that I have read here—and the one that has had the most impact on me— has definitely been Culture Code. I have recommended it to almost everyone who works here, I love it so much! It really dives into the importance of creating relationships with people, building that culture, and making sure people feel like they belong on the team that they are in… that they know they are wanted on that team, and how important those conversations are to have with people!

Rapid Fire Round

Coffee or tea? Coffee.

Favourite ice cream place in Calgary? That’s a tough one! I think I have to go with Village, though. It’s right across from the office, which makes it very convenient… and I’m there a lot!

What superpower would you have? I think it would be pretty cool to be able to fly.

One thing you’re bad at? I’m not great at doing my makeup… that’s something I’d like to improve on.

What instrument would you play? I would love to be able to play the accordion! I have an accordion from my granddad and I wish I could play it.

Favourite show? Planet Earth! Planet Earth is like my favourite thing to watch, and I’ve watched all of the series probably three times each.

Favourite movie? I wanna say someone like Emma Stone? Someone funny— has to be a redhead!

Interested in getting to know more of our team? Check out our previous Behind the Mask with Legal Services Team Lead Ben McKiernan. 


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    IMPORTANT! If you agree to an insurance company’s settlement offer, you give up your legal right to pursue a personal injury claim. It is best to assess the full extent of your injuries and how they will affect your life before you accept an offer. Please note that you have a maximum of two years from the date of the accident to file an injury claim in Alberta.

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