Phone: (587) 392-9272

Professional Background
Bill was born and raised in Calgary and attended the University of Calgary beginning in 1983, where he completed a Bachelor of Arts degree in Linguistics. Bill then moved on to the University of Calgary Law School, and received his Bachelor of Laws degree in 1991. He was called to the Alberta Bar in 1992, and he has practiced full time as a lawyer ever since. Bill worked at Litco Law from 1991 as a student, and after his bar call in 1992, he remained with the firm until 2006, when he departed to set up his own practice, where he expanded his knowledge base and expertise in a general law practice. He came to his senses in late 2019, and returned to Litco Law in early 2020. At this time, Bill focuses his practice solely on Personal Injury law, an area he is particularly passionate about. He also provides mentorship for our team in Real Estate Conveyancing, Wills and Estates, Employment Law and General Civil Litigation, drawing from a wealth of practical experience of practice in these areas.
Bill’s legal expertise encompasses all phases of Personal Injury claims from initial consultations through to litigation, mediation and trial. His civil litigation background includes Automobile and Personal Injury Accidents, including those causing catastrophic losses and fatalities, as well as many claims relating to Wrongful Dismissal and severance pay issues. He also has extensive experience in Wills and Estate planning, including Powers of Attorney and Personal Directives. He has made numerous Surrogate Court applications for Probate and Administration of Estates.Â
His extensive advocacy experience includes appearances in the Provincial Court of Alberta (Family and Youth, Criminal, Civil and Traffic Divisions), the Court Of King’s Bench of Alberta (Civil, Family and Surrogate matters), and the Court of Appeal of Alberta, as well as having conducted numerous Judicial Dispute Resolution Conferences and Private Mediations.
Bill’s overriding aim in the practice of law is to assist individuals with problems they encounter in dealing with the significant events of life. At some point in our lives, most of us will need assistance in dealing with an unfortunate injury, the death of a loved one, or the purchase of a home. Bill has more than 30 years of experience working within the legal system and working through the legal processes related to these events, and Bill embraces our Core value of Empathy in assisting his clients with navigating these situations.
Personal Snapshot
Bill is an avid golfer in the summer and an avid skier in the winter. He lives with his wife in central Calgary and his two children have completed their post secondary education and are pursuing their careers.If you or a loved one has been in a motor vehicle accident or suffered a personal injury, it won’t cost anything to come talk with a lawyer. Simply call our office at (587) 602-2999 to schedule a convenient time to come see us, or use our contact form. We’ll get back to you within 24 hours to set up a meeting to speak with a lawyer.