Auto-pilot and Self-driving Vehicles

Jun 29, 2015

Self-driving vehicles - LitwiniukMotor vehicle accidents have traditionally been fairly straightforward from the standpoint of finding fault or assigning blame; a driver makes an error and causes an accident, end of story. But who’s to blame for the accident if the “driver” isn’t actually driving the vehicle? New cars and trucks include driver-assist features such as auto-pilot, adaptive cruise control, automatic parallel parking, auto-braking, and advance crash warning. Self-driving vehicles are not science-fiction, they are already on our roads and used in industry such as Alberta’s Oil Sands.

So far, truly self-driving vehicles have had the greatest success on dry roads in warm, clear conditions. On the icy winter roads of Calgary or Edmonton, it’s a different story. Technology is not yet advanced enough to allow these systems to cope with the kind of cold, unpredictable weather we face in Alberta. When that day arrives, legislators, consumers, and lawyers will be faced with a new reality when it comes to cause and fault in motor vehicle accidents.

In cars with driver-assist features, the driver is still much more in control than, say, a pilot at the helm of an airplane on auto-pilot. But what if the driver relies on one of these systems and it fails, thereby causing an accident? Who can be said to be at fault? In cases involving this advanced technology, personal injury lawyers are having to look at fault and negligence in new ways.

Alberta Auto-pilot and Self-driving Vehicles Lawyers

If you’ve been injured in a motor vehicle accident as a result of a failed or faulty driver-assist system, or a self-driving vehicle, we can help. We understand the complex issues, and the technology. Since 1976, we’ve been helping our clients succeed in personal injury and motor vehicle accident cases at the cutting edge of law, and we make it our business to be ahead of emerging trends. Give us a call or send us an email to set up your free, no-obligation consultation. We’ll explain your rights and answer your questions. If you decide to hire us, you won’t owe us any fees unless and until we successfully resolve your claim and recover money on your behalf.


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    IMPORTANT! If you agree to an insurance company’s settlement offer, you give up your legal right to pursue a personal injury claim. It is best to assess the full extent of your injuries and how they will affect your life before you accept an offer. Please note that you have a maximum of two years from the date of the accident to file an injury claim in Alberta.

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